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Face & Profile

Dadá - Face&Perfil por Paulo Mac Dowell


the vision of oneself in front of the world

which is the vision the world sees first


seeing the world's view of us

which is a vision that almost never lies

and that we hardly ever see

because you can hardly see it from afar

which almost always came close to being lived


the immense duplicity of the total

the face and the profile at the same time

illuminating skin in the foreground

the inner shadow of each one of us


with the search for a new format

the eternal reinterpretation

of the human feeling of existing


in the lens that captures and records

on the paper that prints in dash and color

the dual mystery that shines in each one

Face&Perfil por Paulo Mac Dowell
Francisco Brenand - Face&Perfil por Paulo Mac Dowell
Eduardo Rangel - Face&Perfil por Paulo Mac Dowell
Henrique Mac Dowell - Face&Perfil por Paulo Mac Dowell
Maíra Gadelha - Face&Perfil por Paulo Mac Dowell
Lula Inácio da Silva - Face&Perfil por Paulo Mac Dowell
Déa - Face&Perfil por Paulo Mac Dowell

copyright by paulo mac dowell - all rights reserved - todos os direitos reservados

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